Monday, August 2, 2010

Another Year Older

I woke up early today to do my usual routine - preparing my son's breakfast and uniform. The only difference is that today is my birthday :)

Time flies so fast and I'm another year older. But as always, I'm thankful for all the blessings that have come my way. I'm quite contented with my life right now. I have my family with me, two great kids, a loving and hardworking husband and jobs that I love to do every day.

Life is good and it's only right that we make the most of it while we're still breathing. And so I share this birthday prayer with hope, love and faith in my heart.

Lord, let this feast of my birth be a reminder to me of all the gifts and blessings I have received from You this day and all the days of my life. On my day of celebration, I thank you for my life and all of my blessings and ask for another year filled with Your presence in my life that I may continue to grow in your love.

Gracious God, I thank You for enabling me to celebrate my birthday. Lord You have been good to me all these years and I thank You for all the blessings I have recieved but especially for life itself.

Creator God, I do not know what lies ahead for me this year. Yet I know that You are holding my future in Your hand. Let my ways be pleasing to you. As You have promised, be with me, Lord. Grid me with Your strength and grace so that I can live for Your light. Enable me to draw closer to You that I may walk in your peace and be the creative and loving person that you intend for me to be. I ask this and all things in the sure and certain knowledge of your love for me and for all your people. Amen.