Sunday, June 21, 2009

Love to Bike in Denmark

I come from a family who loves to bike. I have always loved to bike since I learned how to do it when I was a kid. The feeling of riding a bicycle and pedaling it to wherever you want to go is just so wonderful. It gives me a different high. And even when I'm a mother right now, I still love to bike around with my kids when I have the opportunity.

This is what I love about Denmark. The lifestyle there that lets everybody bike around the city and the countryside is what attracts me to this lovely country. I would love to visit the famous Copenhagen on a bicycle. With so many great attractions to explore, it would really be a dream come true to be able to tour the sites on a bike. I really wouldn't mind at all. I could go fast, I could go slow as long as I'm on a bike, I'm ready to go.

And take note! Denmark has become a model country owing to its bike program. I have learned that many countries in Europe now want to adopt the same program promoting the use bicycles in an effort to achieve less carbon emissions in the environment. Hats off to that. Jazz Weekend - I'm in!

The Power of Mothers

I salute all mothers who juggle their roles as a wife and mom and still find the time to work to contribute to the family's income. This just goes to show that women today are not limited to being just a wife and mother because they can lead the life they want by engaging in business or other worthwhile endeavors that they're very passionate about. Whether they prefer to work in an office or work at home, women have the freedom to do things they want to fulfill their dreams and be happy people.

Very true that it's tough to be a mother regardless of whether you're a single mom or with a husband. But life wouldn't feel so great without the challenges. What matters is the attitude that we have and we maintain going forward. The challenges would be easy to hurdle if we take a positive look at life and live every day to the fullest. It's when we love our family and what we do that we become satisfied and happy individuals.

Women empowerment is here to stay and there are numerous mothers right now who are out to prove that they have the power to achieve financial freedom and make life wonderful for themselves and their families.