Friday, January 28, 2011

Driving and What You Get From It

I've long wanted to drive a car. I did get a chance to learn how to drive a decade or so ago when I was already working in the broadcast industry. I was persistent and I asked my father to teach me. We used my aunt's manual Ford Escort car then and after several weekend sessions at an empty lot along diversion road, I was able to drive on the highway (but only for a short distance). I had to let my father take the wheel when we reached the area where traffic was slow.

But that was it. I forgot why I stopped. Perhaps, I got busy with work and my father was preoccupied, too.

It was only last year that I resumed my driving lessons courtesy of my sister-in-law's former driver. This time, I'm using an automatic Honda car which my hubby bought for our family. It's very easy to drive an automatic vehicle what with only two controls to handle -- the accelerator and the brake.

Early this month, I finally got my driver's license. And last weekend, I started driving on my own. Yay!!! What an achievement for me. I'm now a licensed driver. Although late it may seem to others, for me it's never too late to do anything you've always wanted to do. And that includes driving a car.

Driving a car is a great feeling. It helps boost your confidence and improves your alertness. What matters is you know how to follow traffic regulations and for sure, you'll be on the safe side.

So there. If you want to do something or learn a new skill, find the time to do so and enjoy every minute of it. No matter how small it may seem as long as it makes you happy, then GO DO IT!!