Saturday, April 7, 2012

Visita Iglesia

Happy Easter! The Lord has risen...let us rejoice and continue to have faith and hope in our hearts whatever life might bring us.

The past Holy Week was a time for me to slow down from work. It was also a time for me to do an old tradition which I haven't done since I came here in Davao City.

Doing the Visita Iglesia was a family tradition for us while I was growing up in my hometown of Iloilo City. Being a devoted Catholic, we never missed the different activities of our church from the start of the Lenten Season (Ash Wednesday) until Easter Sunday. We would take part in prayer vigils, processions and visit churches.

Visiting seven churches on the morning of Good Friday was one activity I always looked forward to. I remember my family would prepare early to start our rounds of the churches in the city. There were times that we did this activity together with relatives.

Finally this year, I was able to carry on the tradition with my two kids and our house assistant. Although we only visited four churches (Carmelite, Redemptorist, Sacred Heart and Assumption), it was worth the visit amidst the scorching heat. It felt great that I was able to expose my children to this tradition even if their dad was not around.

The Visita Iglesia tradition actually starts on Maundy Thursday right after the procession and ends until noon of Good Friday. I learned that this originated in Rome during the ancient period.

(Photo of Carmelite Church courtesy of Ruby Thursday More's photostream on Flickr)