Friday, October 2, 2009

I'm a Proud Mom

I feel so proud today for the recent achievements of my two kids. First, my eldest James or JP as what we call him at home who is now in Grade 6 was a Champion in their school's Spelling Bee as part of their Communications Month culmination program last September. He bested the topnotcher of their class but my son was so humble about everything. He didn't even brag about it at home. I only discovered it when I saw a pin bearing "Certified Speller" on his backpack and a certificate inside his notebook later when I checked his belongings. James has been a good speller and he also got a citation from their Language teacher last year.

My younger child, Charlotte, on the other hand is the top 3 in her Kinder-I class. She shows much interest in her studies and according to her teacher, she works independently in class. She also learns fast and does not hesitate to recite when she feels like it.

My two kids are exact opposites just like me and my husband. James is the silent type while my little girl is a vocal type of individual. But despite their differences, they both do well in school and I feel so blessed that they are.

These are the rewards a mother can be proud of. These achievements of James and Charlotte are what inspire me to do my best as a mother. It does not matter whether I raise our children singlehandedly while my husband works overseas because what counts most is a mother's constant support and love to her children. The hardships and pains that we go through are not that important because they are part of our journey through life. As long we continuously gain the strength and we keep the faith in God, there will always be blessings coming our way.

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